Rwanda is one of the smallest countries in Africa and is most widely known as the location of a violent genocide in 1994 that killed as many as 20% of Rwanda’s total population. As a result of this event, Rwanda is a very young country with 43% of the population being under the age of 15.
Self-Sustainability Projects
DMI Rwanda have enthusiastically embraced our micro-loan program with 15 Deaf having started business ranging from small retail outlets to real estate and farming to, in one case, a billiard parlour! Loan recipients work in small cooperatives for support and receive business training to guide them to success.
Ministry in Rwanda
DMI has 8 pastors and evangelists serving 290 Deaf in 9 churches and fellowships throughout Rwanda. Rwanda is also the site of our new African Bible School which we hope will open in 2025. The African Bible School receives students from all over Africa who train in theology and Christian ministry before returning to their home countries to plant churches and continue sharing the Word of God.